Libas (Movie 2011)

AdnancSaladin flip an expert in the game sepak takraw (Flip), so he called the Flip King of Malaysia. Flip flip prowess is feared by the King of the opposing team, especially from a team of Siam (Thailand), even more so Ak Nangkhon, "killer" team. In game Flip ago, Ak Nangkhon foully injured foot king Flip, causing decreased intensity. Not only that, the injury has resulted in the skipper malaysia (Dali) Flip fails badly when Ak Nangkhon strong cushion flips and hit his chest. As a result Malaysia fell into Thailand for the second time in a row. Even the coaches and my teammates, Megat also blamed for the defeat Saladin Adnan so willing to break the engagement coach Adnan Saladin with his Ratna